Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Summer Plan

It is so easy to fall into the thought pattern of, "Well, when I get out of college, that will be my real 'new start.' That will be the launch of my real life." But what if I want my new start to I don't want to have to wait a year for my real life to begin. I'm tired of waking up with the same mental processes. I'm stuck. I'm a nut in a rut, as they say. And while where I am is ok, I'd really like to aim for an unprecedented incredible.

This summer, I'd like to rejuvenate myself physically, mentally, and spiritually. How? Well, I'll tell you the plan. :)

I have begun to get out of my physical rut by going to classes at the rec, and my body already feels better. It's an amazing sensation to not be stagnant, to be able to feel improvement in my muscles and joints. I'm in pain most of the time, because we all know that the beginning of a new work-out routine is nothing but pain, but I'm excited for the day that I wake up and just feel refreshed and ready for a new physical challenge. It's coming. I can feel it.
My schedule is:
Mondays- 30 minutes of cardio (elliptical) and Arms, Back, and Belly from 1:15-2 with my favorite instructor Brook
Tuesdays- 30 minutes of cardio, Mat Pilates from 12:10-1, and Hips, Butts, and Guts from 2:15-3
Wednesdays- 30 minutes of cardio and Arms, Back, and Belly from 4-4:45 (as long as work allows)
Thursdays- 30 minutes of cardio and Mat Pilates from 12:10-1
Fridays- 30 minutes of cardio and Hips, Butts, and Guts from 1:15-2 (WITH BROOK!)

That makes 6 classes a week, with cardio every day. I'll rest on the weekends, unless I feel like doing cardio.
I'm also going to be playing tennis with Russ sometimes, which makes me happy. It'll be a good work out and good friend time as well.

Mentally, I just want to be more open-minded. I'm going to work each day to have a more positive outlook than the last, and when I find myself slumping back into the same patterns that get me into my negative place, I'm going to catch myself. If what I'm doing at the time isn't helping my mental state, I'm going to leave where I am. I'll change my plans for the day. I'll change my behavior. Whatever it takes. I'm not settling for a summer containing any kind of self-loathing, self-pity, or self-demoralization. I have control over what I allow myself to encounter and a loving Father in heaven to help me when I'm too weak to see the good in myself.
I'm also going to always be reading a good book. I have a shelf full of amazing novels and nonfiction awesomeness that will be highly instrumental in helping me expand my mind this summer. Right now, I'm aiming to finish "Catch 22" in the next 2 weeks. It's a incredible book, and I can't wait to blog about how much I love it. :)

And spiritually, I'm going to make it a point to be at the Vineyard every Sunday morning. And I'm going to be actively searching for a Wednesday night worship service for the summer. Because I love those. And, of course, I need to make myself a schedule for when I can spend time in the Word. Cause I'm really bad about making time for such things. And what could be more important?? Nothing. That's what.

So those are the goals. I'm just...really not ready to settle right now. There's no reason to do so. Life is too short and too full of opportunity to waste.